A new visits is defined as each new incoming visitor (viewing or browsing a page) who was not connected to your site during last 60 mn.
Number of client hosts (IP address) who came to visit the site (and who viewed at least one page).
This data refers to the number of different physical persons who had reached the site.
Number of times a page of the site is viewed (Sum for all visitors for all visits).
This piece of data differs from "hits" in that it counts only HTML pages as oppose to images and other files.
Number of times a page, image, file of the site is viewed or downloaded by someone.
This piece of data is provided as a reference only, since the number of "pages" viewed is often prefered for marketing purposes.
This piece of information refers to the amount of data downloaded by all pages, images and files within your site.
Units are in KB, MB or GB (KiloBytes, MegaBytes or GigaBytes)
Awstats recognizes each access to your site after a search from the 228 most popular Internet Search Engines and Directories (such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
List of all external pages which were used to link (and enter) to your site (Only the 10 most often used external pages are shown). Links used by the results of the search engines are excluded here because they have already been included on the previous line within this table.
This table shows the list of the most frequent keyphrases or keywords used to find your site from Internet Search Engines and Directories. (Keywords from the 228 most popular Search Engines and Directories are recognized by Awstats, such as Yahoo, Altavista, Lycos, Google, Voila, etc...).
Note that total number of searches for keywords might be greater than total number of searches for keyphrases (real number of searches) because when 2 keywords were used on same search, search is counted twice for keywords (once for each word).
Robots (sometimes refer to Spiders) are automatic computer visitors used by many search engines that scan your web site to index it and rank it, collect statistics on Internet Web sites and/or see if your site is still online.
Awstats is able to recognize up to 643 robots.
All time related statistics are based on server time.
Here, reported data are: average values (calculated from all data between the first and last visit in analyzed range).
Here, reported data are: cumulative sums (calculated from all data between the first and last visit in analyzed range).
Some Visits durations are 'unknown' because they can't always be calculated. This is the major reason for this:
- Visit was not finished when 'update' occured.
- Visit started the last hour (after 23:00) of the last day of a month (A technical reason prevents Awstats from calculating duration of such sessions)
Worms are automatic computer visitors that are in fact external servers, infected by a virus, that try to make particular hits on your server to infect it. In most cases, such worms exploit some bugs of not up to date or commercial servers. If your system is not the sensitive target of the worm, you can simply ignore those hits.
There is very few 'server worms' in the world but they are very active at some times. Awstats is able to recognize 0 known worm's signatures (nimda,code red,...).
No description for this error.
Request was understood by server but will be processed later.
Server has processed the request but there is no document to send.
Partial content.
Requested document was moved and is now at another address given in answer.
No description for this error.
Syntax error, server didn't understand request.
Tried to reach an URL where a login/password pair was required.
A high number within this item could mean that someone (such as a hacker) is attempting to crack, or enter into your site (hoping to enter a secured area by trying different login/password pairs, for instance).
Tried to reach an URL not configured to be reachable, even with an login/password pair (for example, an URL within a directory not defined as "browsable".).
Tried to reach a non existing URL. This error often means that there is an invalid link somewhere in your site or that a visitor mistyped a certain URL.
Server has taken too much time to respond to a request. This error frequently involves either a slow CGI script which the server was required to kill or an extremely congested web server.
Internal error. This error is often caused by a CGI program that had finished abnormally (coredump for example).
Unknown requested action.
Code returned by a HTTP server that works as a proxy or gateway when a real, targeted server doesn't answer successfully to the client's request.
Internal server error.
Gateway Time-out.
HTTP Version Not Supported.
Statistics for: git.xfce.orgAwstats Web Site
Last Update: 09 Aug 2012 - 16:26
Reported period:Month Jan 2012
Close window
Keyphrases used on search engines  
1,806 different keyphrasesSearchPercent
xfce git311.1 %
xfce terminal281 %
xfce4-mixer240.8 %
xfburn240.8 %
xfwm4230.8 %
xfdesktop210.7 %
xfce text editor210.7 %
netload180.6 %
xfce widgets180.6 %
xfce repository180.6 %
a170.6 %
xfce4-volumed170.6 %
xfbib150.5 %
midori git150.5 %
xfce desktop widgets140.5 %
die benachrichtigungsfläche hat die auswahl verloren130.4 %
tumbler130.4 %
xfce terminal emulator110.4 %
mousepad xfce110.4 %
xfce mixer110.4 %
xfce mousepad100.3 %
xfce-volumed100.3 %
ristretto image viewer100.3 %
xfce4-notifyd100.3 %
xfce application launcher100.3 %
tumbler xfce100.3 %
thunar-vfs100.3 %
xfce tumbler100.3 %
xfce repo90.3 %
xfce configuration90.3 %
theme midori progress bar90.3 %
xfce volume control80.2 %
git.xfce.org80.2 %
xfce task manager80.2 %
thunar vfs80.2 %
xfce run dialog70.2 %
ristretto image70.2 %
xfce extension70.2 %
xfce4 launcher70.2 %
xfce4 volume control70.2 %
xfwm4 --replace70.2 %
xfce calendar60.2 %
libxfce4util60.2 %
xfprint60.2 %
xfce calculator60.2 %
xfce session manager60.2 %
xfce notifyd50.1 %
mousepad text editor50.1 %
xfce4 mixer50.1 %
xfapplet50.1 %
xfconf50.1 %
xfce4 calculator50.1 %
xfce50.1 %
xfce-mixer50.1 %
thunar-shares-plugin50.1 %
xfce image viewer50.1 %
xfce startup script50.1 %
xfce4-xfapplet-plugin50.1 %
widgets for xfce40.1 %
git xfce40.1 %
xfce desktop applets40.1 %
mozilla2f5.0 user agent40.1 %
xfce menu icon size40.1 %
xfce window manager40.1 %
xfce expose40.1 %
xfce-utils40.1 %
clock xfce format day month40.1 %
xfce repositories40.1 %
xfce rss plugin40.1 %
xfce4-settings40.1 %
orage calendar40.1 %
lightweight web browser40.1 %
xfce take screenshot40.1 %
xfce4-vala40.1 %
xfce desktop icon offset40.1 %
git branch -a40.1 %
thunar shares40.1 %
xfce windows 7 taskbar40.1 %
xfce weather40.1 %
git andrzejr/deskbar40.1 %
xfce verve30.1 %
xfce4-rss-plugin30.1 %
xfce abmelden30.1 %
xfce volumed30.1 %
xfce xf86audioraisevolume30.1 %
thunar-shares30.1 %
xfce modifying the panel is not allowed30.1 %
kinetic scrolling webkitgtk30.1 %
terminal xfce30.1 %
xfce4 screenshooter30.1 %
xfce4 mixer panel30.1 %
xf86audioraisevolume30.1 %
xfce4-xkb-plugin30.1 %
xfce abmeldedialog30.1 %
xfce desktop switcher30.1 %
xfce desktop colour icon30.1 %
xfce4 effects30.1 %
xfce session manager inicio de sesion30.1 %
xfsm-kiosk-mode30.1 %
xfce orage30.1 %
xfce4-session30.1 %
the notification area lost selection30.1 %
xfce weather plugin30.1 %
xfce config30.1 %
ristretto xfce30.1 %
összeomlik a midori30.1 %
xfce vnc client30.1 %
xfce - xfce4-xkb-plugin30.1 %
xfce panels always on top30.1 %
text editor xfce30.1 %
xfce snap30.1 %
git //git.xfce.org/apps/midori30.1 %
xfce sessions30.1 %
xfce volume daemon30.1 %
xfcetasklist size30.1 %
964 magdy @hotmail.com or gmail.com or yahoo.com -scam30.1 %
xfce application finder30.1 %
xfce4-session-plugin30.1 %
xfce4 startup scripts30.1 %
xfce desktop manager30.1 %
xfce gestor de sesion no permite apagar pc30.1 %
xfce start scripts30.1 %
xfce volume keys30.1 %
xfce themes30.1 %
xfce4-weather-plugin30.1 %
nick schermer30.1 %
xfce4 session ssh-agent30.1 %
xfce notes file20 %
xfce preferred applications20 %
xcfe witgets20 %
midori browser git20 %
xfcenotifywindow20 %
task manager for xfce20 %
genmon script20 %
xfce appfinder20 %
xfce app launcher20 %
xfce4 task manager20 %
xfce domyślny panel20 %
midori20 %
xfce radio plugin20 %
xfce session20 %
xfce 休眠20 %
xfce4-battery-plugin20 %
xfce4 plugins20 %
volume in xfce420 %
xfce4 text editor20 %
midori webgl20 %
git eval ssh-agent startup20 %
thunar-volman there is no device with the sysfs path20 %
xfce4 migration script20 %
xfce sound mixer20 %
xfce tableau de bord20 %
gstreamer media player20 %
tumbler thumbnails20 %
xfce gtk engines git20 %
thunarvfs20 %
xfce mail-notification20 %
xfce 4.6 always on top shortcut20 %
exo application library20 %
xf86 volume20 %
xfce panel style20 %
set preferred web browser in xfce20 %
xfce4 mixer gstreamer20 %
xfce4 settings20 %
immer auf sichtbarer arbeitsfläche20 %
xfce4-panel-4.9.020 %
xfce task list task length20 %
xfce date utility20 %
thunar cr220 %
xfce window snapping20 %
mousepad editor20 %
xfce4 icon grid20 %
browse xfce4 git20 %
xfce-terminal20 %
xfce sessions delete20 %
session manager xfce420 %
xfce transparent icon text background20 %
xfce settings20 %
xfce sound control20 %
window buttons xfce 5020 %
xfce-power-manager git20 %
xfce4 notifyd20 %
xfce choose a custom terminal emulator20 %
xfce terminal --default-display20 %
postler xfce20 %
xfbib download20 %
xfce4 configuration20 %
xfce mouse settings20 %
http //git.xfce.org/20 %
xfce4-panel no window manager registered on screen 020 %
tumbler only local files20 %
thunar-volman must specify the sysfs path of new devices with --device-added.20 %
xfce abmelde plugin ruhezustand20 %
xfce panel icon20 %
reset ristretto back to default thumbnail crash20 %
xfce terminal-emulator mischighlighturls20 %
christian dywan20 %
xfce mpd20 %
xfce4-taskmanager20 %
thumbnail service20 %
xfce4 xf86mail20 %
xfce places20 %
xfce4-session.rc20 %
xf86audiomute20 %
system-config-settings in xfce20 %
xfce netload20 %
xfce.org20 %
xfce orage calendar20 %
gerenciador sessao xfce20 %
xfce 4 display settings20 %
xfce tasklist-widget.c patch workspaces20 %
thunar plugins20 %
web vyhledávač midori20 %
xfce-notifyd20 %
no se encontro instancia de xfce4 panel20 %
xfce4-weather20 %
site xfce.org exo-open20 %
application launcher xfce20 %
unable to query the version of the randr extension being used20 %
application launcher xfce420 %
xfce web browser20 %
midori api c20 %
xfce battery20 %
postler20 %
xfce4-mount-plugin20 %
xfce how to new progrm launcher20 %
xfce4 completely hide panel20 %
fallo al recibir respuesta del gestor de sesión el gestor de sesión debe estar en estado inactivo al solicitar el apagado20 %
xfce windows taksbar20 %
g_utf8_validate20 %
xfce4-indicator-plugin20 %
calculator xfce420 %
because the panel is running in kiosk mode you are not allowed to make changes to the panel configuration as a regular user20 %
thunar-volman system configuration20 %
git clone git //git.xfce.org/xfce/xfce4-panel/20 %
how to empty open file history xfce420 %
xfce response from sudo helper20 %
git midori20 %
xfce4-session.xml default file20 %
xfce terminal switching encodings on the fly20 %
xfce ruhezustand passwort20 %
windows 7 taskbar xfce20 %
brian j. tarricone20 %
xfwm4 hide title20 %
xfce4 panel indicators20 %
xfce4 завершение работы20 %
weather forecast xfce20 %
xfce svn20 %
xfce hacks20 %
xfce4 desktop widgets20 %
xfce fenster einrollen deaktivieren20 %
calculator for xfce20 %
svn xfce20 %
xfce mail notification20 %
xfce4 another window manager is already running20 %
keyboard configuration xfce20 %
midori web browser tar latest20 %
xfce panel calculator20 %
xfce netloadplugin20 %
xfce htgjpbnjhbq20 %
xfce system settings20 %
xfce 4 appfinder20 %
parole player20 %
piot @gmail.com20 %
xfce4 volumed20 %
parole gstreamer20 %
ristretto main_window.c20 %
midori web browser setting20 %
xfce panel git20 %
logout confirmation xfce20 %
custom xfce panel20 %
midori show-navigationbar20 %
brazilian keyboard xfce20 %
pluign na notatke20 %
xfce appearance20 %
xfce appearance settings20 %
xfce create theme20 %
kann die xfce-anzeigeeinstellungen nicht starten20 %
xfce panel gtk class20 %
xfce indicator plugin20 %
xkb layout20 %
deskbar mode xfce20 %
midori always show tab bar20 %
xfce4-netload-plugin20 %
sandra merkyte20 %
xfce 520 %
xfce email notify20 %
terminalemulator xfce20 %
xfce gtk 3.020 %
xfce terminal parameters20 %
xfce4 radio20 %
exo filemanager20 %
xfce terminal emulator alias20 %
window button xfce4 5020 %
exo xfce420 %
xfce picture viewer20 %
set preferred application web browser in xfce exo20 %
xfce4 git20 %
xfce transd20 %
xfce transparency20 %
tumblerd20 %
xfce4 plugin réseau20 %
xfce gtk theme20 %
xubuntu desktop manager20 %
xfce4 weather panel20 %
expose xfce20 %
xfce remove panel20 %
midori hotkey list20 %
midori if flash==active onunload=crash20 %
emulateur terminal xfce10 %
xfce setting repository10 %
your system does not support cpufreq10 %
xfce4 xkb plugin10 %
download xfce4-places-plugin10 %
xfce tasklist hide icons10 %
notified xfce410 %
xfce4-volumed warning binding xf86audioraisevolume failed10 %
xfce layout switching10 %
xfce4 taskbar task length gtkrc-2.010 %
xfce4 desktop middle click10 %
xfce4 plugin keyboard leds10 %
xfce4-panel -s icon10 %
xfce-mailwatch plugin10 %
ca cert midori10 %
xfce window button color10 %
xfce terminal forger10 %
repository window xfce410 %
xfce4-panel deconnexion10 %
spostare la cache di midori10 %
desktop wisselaar linux10 %
terminalemulator xfce410 %
inicio automático de aplicativo xfce command line10 %
mixer xfce10 %
xfdesktop iconview10 %
xfce mixer plugin10 %
xfce terminal emulator performance10 %
xfce4 widgets10 %
thunar debug logging10 %
xfce4 unhide panel delay10 %
xfce4-terminal background mode10 %
squeeze extract10 %
midori 字体10 %
xfce4 power manager10 %
choose preferred application xfce10 %
fix restrictions error in word10 %
javascript changable tree10 %
change terminal emulater xfce10 %
volume keys xfce410 %
xfce4-volumed git10 %
hddtemp was not executed correctly although it is executable10 %
enable xf86audioraisevolume10 %
xfce space10 %
xfce calc10 %
session manager must be in idle state when requesting a shut down10 %
xfburn the selected image does not fit on the inserted disc10 %
xfce print screen10 %
xfce tumbler how to10 %
xfce panel image is styling my widgets10 %
orage wakeup timer10 %
xfce4 font smoothing10 %
setting xdg_config_dirs xfce10 %
xfce репозиторий10 %
xkb plugin xfce10 %
window button expands xfce taskbar10 %
unable to start the xfce4 display settings10 %
panel plugin weather10 %
impossibile salvare sessione xfce10 %
html5 midori extension10 %
17 main midori10 %
mousepad xfce410 %
xfce helpers.rc10 %
xfce sound mixer controls10 %
xfce run dialog cmd10 %
mount ssh xfce410 %
ebay uk10 %
how to remove sessions xfce10 %
xfce tumblerd videodateien nicht indiziren10 %
azamat.hackimov@gmail.com10 %
xfce panel modo kiosko10 %
xfce git frontend10 %
webkit attach web inspector at bottom10 %
how to install midori 0.4.310 %
xfce/thunar-vfs howto10 %
midori addons10 %
xfce terminal font size per window10 %
prohlizec fotek xfce10 %
xfce pulpit miniatury10 %
xfce unable to mount camera10 %
xfce terminal emulator set title10 %
xfce4 8 panel konfigurieren10 %
format device revision 020010 %
the taskbar panel in xfce10 %
xfce web browser don t run10 %
xfsm-shutdown-helper debian or xfce.org10 %
apply background thunar 1.210 %
webkit_check_version10 %
xfce4 panel image10 %
xfce programming text editor10 %
because the panel is running in kiosk mode you are not allowed to make changes to the panel configurations10 %
volume control app based on location10 %
xfce panel popup delay10 %
xfce increase icon size10 %
xfce4 logout error failetd to receive a reply fron the session manager10 %
ssh session manager xfce10 %
xfce remote filesystems10 %
gnome keyring in xfce10 %
customize xfce panel style10 %
midori browser java embedded frame10 %
xfce mixer left click command10 %
xfce4 language settings10 %
customize xfce window button10 %
midori starter entfernen10 %
g_signal_connect changed10 %
exo-file-manager.desktop10 %
snap to side xfce10 %
xfce4 proxy10 %
xfce utostart scripts10 %
midori browser source code10 %
xfce terminal delay10 %
xfce4 system-bus-socket10 %
midori windows authentications10 %
xfce4 start button10 %
widgets xfce10 %
midori bookmarks problem10 %
ajouter des plugin panel xfce10 %
xfce thunar compile10 %
xfce4-quicklauncher-plugin10 %
use stock icons and standard icon names where appropriate10 %
xfce4 terminal10 %
mail postler10 %
terminal emulator folder xfce10 %
xfce 4 widgets10 %
icon size xfce menu10 %
ristretto freezes when enabling thumbnail bar xfce10 %
thunar removable media root udev10 %
xfce perl10 %
xfce 4.910 %
xfce media parole10 %
weather panel xfce10 %
monitor de bateria xfce10 %
xfce xfdesktopiconview label-alpha10 %
xfce terminal emulator name10 %
xfce4 weather plugin panel10 %
xfce4-kbdleds-plugin10 %
thunar-volman must specify the sysfs10 %
setting add on pada midori browser10 %
xfce panel username10 %
xfce4 volume10 %
reload xfce4-panel10 %
xfce4 startup script10 %
plugin parole10 %
xfce sitzung löschen10 %
format for month in word in xfce10 %
xfce volman could not connect to media corresponding to10 %
app launcher in xfce410 %
xfce4-session git10 %
xfce4 terminal utf 810 %
git xfce indicator10 %
xfce gtk ugly10 %
mail applet xfce10 %
xfce popup-delay10 %
cpu graphical representation10 %
háttérképek xfce10 %
xf86audiomute xf86audioraisevolume10 %
parole hue saturation settings reset10 %
xfce.org genmon fix blank startup10 %
“无法运行默认文件管理器”10 %
xfce default apps10 %
xfce delete saved sessions10 %
xfce panneau10 %
transd xfce10 %
xfce gtk icon size10 %
items toevoegen aan xfce dock10 %
hbkatze10 %
správce napájení not authorized10 %
xfce4 custom app launcher10 %
xfce terminal emulator from terminal10 %
milen milev10 %
xfce -4 pane;10 %
xfce4 panel item removed permanently lost10 %
midori bookmarks10 %
xfce thunar cd burner10 %
xfce4 clipboard10 %
beaglebone10 %
xfce panel you have started x without session10 %
window button xfce 5010 %
xfce4-mixer git10 %
startup script xfce10 %
.gtkrc-2.0 xfdesktop icon10 %
web app midori10 %
xfce window manager with alt num10 %
widget xfce410 %
mousepad text10 %
linux xfce terminal emulator pet10 %
xfce double-click windowshade10 %
apagar xfce 410 %
تعذّر نقل الملف invalid argument إلى المهملات10 %
xfce low battery warn10 %
status 1280 squeeze archive manager10 %
xfce4 battery monitor10 %
xfce places plugin documents10 %
xfce window buttons 50 7510 %
parole media player visualizations10 %
file manager xfce10 %
xfce thumbnailer service10 %
midori could not configure a c compiler10 %
xfce kalender10 %
midori lesezeichen bearbeiten10 %
genmon10 %
xfce are you sure you want to shut down?10 %
xfce show tolbar menu error10 %
proxy xfce10 %
xfce failed adding10 %
xfce volume mixer10 %
xfce4-notifyd transparency10 %
xcfe text editor10 %
xfce4 run script at startup10 %
thunar diff plugin10 %
clock widget for xfce410 %
xfce taskmanager10 %
main there seems to be no active card defined in xfconf.10 %
xfce access to folder -windows -shared10 %
xfce panel download10 %
xfce software center10 %
xfce4 cell width10 %
org.xfce.session.manager.statechanged10 %
xfce show places10 %
xfce4-xkb-plugin %
captcha10 %
xfce free space10 %
changer position d un panneau dans le tableau de bord xfce10 %
xfce images10 %
xfce4 disable screensaver on startup10 %
xfce space plugin10 %
xfce4-volumed mixer control10 %
xorg snap to edge xfce10 %
close all panels xfce10 %
xfce panel maximize horizontal10 %
xfce gtk 310 %
xfce terminal dynamic title10 %
xfwm4 --replace &10 %
compile squeeze archive manager10 %
no auto completion in verve10 %
xfce opacity10 %
thunar reduce picture size imagemagick convert10 %
xfprint 00910 %
xfce 4.8 disable event sounds10 %
xfce window resize screen edge10 %
репозиторий xfce10 %
xf86audiolowervolume xfce410 %
xfce volume 100%10 %
xfce energiatakarékosság10 %
xfce notes10 %
image burning默認錯誤10 %
style panel xfce10 %
xfce触摸板10 %
postler no messages were fetched yet10 %
48 andrzej@gmail.com10 %
application launcher in xfce10 %
xfce terminal path10 %
xfce splash screen settings10 %
xfce new progrm launcher10 %
xfce sound keys10 %
git -a10 %
boot splash xfce10 %
xfce panel icon size10 %
xfce session enregistree10 %
mixer volume control10 %
xfce4-xfapplet10 %
xinitrc xfce10 %
parole media player wmv プラグイン10 %
xfce gtk themes install10 %
simple xfce editor10 %
r terminal widget10 %
xfce xkb plugin10 %
xfce terminal emulator maximized10 %
gigolo xfce samba10 %
ubuntu ssh-agent on start xfce10 %
xfce4 panel plugin10 %
gstreamer based player10 %
xfce panel always on top10 %
xfce lithuanian keyboard10 %
truncate icon label xfce10 %
icone de terminal10 %
application finder could not load system menu10 %
xfce tray icons ru en10 %
screensaver xfce410 %
participar en el desarrolo de xfce10 %
xfce4-genmon-plugin10 %
xfburn dvd10 %
remove xfce-notes10 %
como usar o terminal emulator10 %
xfce keyboard shortcuts window.manager10 %
xfce windows7 panel10 %
xfce-session-manager conf file10 %
yakukake10 %
xfce exo-open change default application10 %
xfce-cellmodem-plugin10 %
mousepad 文本编辑器10 %
xfce brilho10 %
xfce enregistrer la session10 %
git xfce statechanged10 %
xfce kann abgesicherte sitzung10 %
xfe remote10 %
xfce genmon kommt nach dem starten10 %
gstreamer app mixer10 %
xfce ristretto10 %
finden datei simple splash engine in xfce10 %
xfce4 ssh-agent10 %
xfce4 russisch10 %
xfce4-application-fi10 %
installing thunar-volman10 %
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parole gst10 %
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xfce compose key10 %
mail monitor for xfce410 %
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http //git.xfce.org/10 %
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image viewer xfce10 %
xfce calender10 %
xfce setx10 %
xfce4-notifyd notification-daemon10 %
volume xfce410 %
xfwm xfce 4.810 %
xfce session settings10 %
email notification xfce10 %
xfce set preferred applications10 %
midori show homepage10 %
não salvar sessão xfce10 %
thunar long filenames ellipsized10 %
xfce fabian nowak10 %
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thunar-volman неподдерживаемое10 %
xfce thunar filename length10 %
xfce-session shutdown.c10 %
xfce resetting keyboard layout10 %
xfce4-xkb-plugin changelog10 %
sound mixer xfce10 %
xfce4 clipboard config10 %
язык сеанса xfce10 %
xfce-session10 %
xfce sitzung sperren bei abmelden10 %
xfce panel autohide customize10 %
/.config/autostart/xfconf-migration-4.6.desktop10 %
midori web browser 0.4.210 %
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xfconfd не запущен проблемы настройки d-bus10 %
calendar xfce10 %
git xfburn10 %
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xfce4-terminal10 %
circe28@libero.it10 %
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xfce configurar10 %
no root certificate file is available. ssl certificates cannot be verified.10 %
daemon de volume xfce10 %
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failed to send message échec10 %
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exo library10 %
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xfce_session_state_changed10 %
midori web browser error code 110 %
2165010 %
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<requires lib= gtk10 %
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nick @gmail.com10 %
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c[clientid]10 %
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kokodi fourdan@xfce.org>10 %
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midori browser 4.310 %
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thunar-volman could not detect the volume corresponding to the device.10 %
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Other phrases80629.5 %

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